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How much does a cat eat every day?
The amount of food a cat eats daily depends on its age and weight. Cats are free-choice feeders, and it's uncertain how much they eat in a day. Cats will eat until they're full and stop when they're satisfied. It's generally impossible to determine how much a cat eats in a day. However, kittens' bodies haven't fully developed, and they can't control their food intake themselves. Therefore, they need to be fed定量ly, usually until their bellies are slightly swollen.
How much cat food does a cat eat daily?
A cat's appetite is related to its age and weight. Kittens need to be fed about 3-4 times daily, with each meal being around 10g-15g; adult cats require only 1-2 meals per day, each consisting of approximately 30-50g. It's recommended that owners follow the feeding guide on cat food packaging and adjust the amount based on the cat's weight and age. Or, after feeding, gently touch the cat's abdomen; a slightly swollen belly is sufficient.
How to feed newborn kittens
There are several ways to feed newborn kittens. Since their teeth haven't fully grown in, they need to be fed cat milk and moistened kitten food, which should be given 4-6 times daily in small meals. You can directly feed moistened kitten food and provide them with nutritional supplements. Newborn kittens cannot take baths.
How to feed kittens after weaning
After weaning, kittens' digestive systems are still fragile, so don't fully feed them cat food. Instead, owners can mix cat food with cat milk or water to create a soft consistency. Note that infant formula or cow's milk should not be fed to kittens, as these contain high amounts of lactose which may cause vomiting and diarrhea. As the weaning period progresses, owners can gradually introduce small amounts of cooked meat, such as boiled chicken, into their diets. The food prepared for cats should be rich in protein, vitamins, and calcium, and high-fat foods should be avoided to prevent digestive strain and obesity.