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How much dog food does a 3-month-old Bichon Frise eat per meal?

Due to the varying weights of dog food particles, it is recommended that owners choose the feeding amount based on the dog food reference table. Generally, for a 3-month-old Bichon Frise, about 30-40 dog food particles are sufficient for each meal. The dog should be fed 3-4 times a day. Since the gastrointestinal function of young dogs is relatively weak, owners need to adopt a method of feeding small amounts多次餐,to help the dog better digest and absorb nutrients.

Do 3-month-old dogs need to soak their dog food?

At the age of three months, dogs can eat dry puppy food or milk cake. The purpose of soaking dog food is to prevent dogs from having difficulty digesting it. However, as long as you buy dog food suitable for their age at this time, they can eat dry food. The ingredients of puppy food are more suitable for the digestion and absorption of small dogs. If your dog's digestion is not very good and tends to vomit after eating dry dog food, you can soak it to make it soft and easier to eat. Later, you can soak it half dry and half soft, gradually replacing it with dry food. Be sure not to use water temperatures that are too high to soak dog food, as it will destroy the nutrients inside.

How heavy is a 3-month-old Bichon Frise?

The weight of a 3-month-old Bichon Frise depends on factors such as genetics, eating habits, living habits, and living environment, and varies from dog to dog. However, it is generally around 1.5-2.5kg. If the weight is lower than normal but the diet is appropriate, it may indicate that there are worms in the dog's body, and deworming is needed. Being overweight can also affect your dog's health, so it's important to lose weight in time.

Three-month feeding method

Bichons are small-sized dogs, and they need 12 months to grow from their puppyhood to adulthood. Therefore, during this time, it is necessary to provide them with sufficient nutrition and sleep. Especially at the age of three months, this period is just after weaning, you can choose puppy milk or goat milk, feed in small amounts multiple times a day, do not take them out to play until the vaccination is completed. Ensure ample food and water, and take good care of their warmth.