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How to Acclimate Your Cat to New Cat Litter

Acclimating your cat to new cat litter requires gradual guidance from the owner. For example, when changing to a new litter, you can still use the previous litter pan or mix some of the cat's feces or urine into the new litter, allowing the new litter to absorb the cat's scent. You can also mix new and old litter for a week before completely replacing it with the new litter, giving your cat time to adapt.

Cat Litter Material

  1. Crystal litter: Crystal litter is non-clumping and comes in white, semi-transparent particles with strong deodorizing properties. It can quickly absorb urine and moisture from cat waste in a short time.
  2. Bentonite litter: Bentonite absorbs moisture from feces quickly, forming a large, hard block, solving the problem of separating litter and feces. However, bentonite litter has a large dust content and long-term use may damage the cat's respiratory and digestive systems.
  3. Environmentally friendly litter: Examples include paper litter, tofu litter, and corn litter, which are all environmentally friendly.
  4. Mineral litter: The main component of mineral litter is natural mineral particles, with less dust, large particle size, and good deodorizing effect.

Choosing Cat Litter

  1. Many litter brands offer small packages. Try out different litters from well-known brands and choose based on the cat's preference.
  2. Consider the ease of cleaning and absorption capacity when choosing litter.
  3. Cats generally prefer odorless litter. Try to avoid litter with added scents.
  4. Consider the amount of dust when selecting litter.
  5. If your cat doesn't like the litter you choose, it may scratch the litter pan, stand outside it, or quickly jump out of it, choosing to defecate nearby instead.


Do not force your cat to use litter it dislikes. Using low-quality litter can threaten your cat's health. Soft litter can stimulate the cat's natural cleaning instincts. Keep the litter pan clean. If your cat doesn't like to use the litter pan, it could be due to:

  1. New litter pan: The cat may not like or be unused to the texture and smell of the new pan.
  2. Suddenly stopping litter use: The litter pan may be dirty and need cleaning. Choosing the right litter can help your cat adapt better.