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How to的人工喂养 kittens

1. Feeding with specialized kitten milk powder

  1. When feeding the kittens, choose a low-allergenic specialized kitten milk powder and prepare a small bottle. Mix the powder with warm water. Do not let the kitten drink while lying on its back to prevent food from entering the trachea and lungs. Feed the kitten slowly and carefully observe its swallowing movement.

  2. If the kitten doesn't know how to use the bottle, use a syringe to feed it. Draw an appropriate amount of kitten milk in the syringe and slowly inject it drop by drop into the kitten's mouth. Wait for the kitten to swallow before continuing. Do not continuously inject to prevent the milk from entering the lungs and causing serious conditions like aspiration pneumonia.

  3. Kittens less than ten days old should be fed 2-3 ml each time, and every 2-3 hours. As the kitten grows older, gradually increase the milk volume but monitor its condition. If symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea occur, reduce the milk volume. Start with a thinner mixture and increase the concentration as the kitten gets used to it.

2. Artificial stimulation of defecation

  1. After feeding, stimulate the kitten to defecate manually. Moisten a cotton swab with warm water and gently wipe the kitten's anus to encourage defecation.

  2. Artificial stimulation of defecation should be done once a day. Since the kitten is drinking milk, its stool is usually minimal. As the kitten gets older, stimulate twice a day starting from 15 days old to prevent constipation caused by stool buildup in the intestines.

3. Keep the kitten warm

Since the kitten cannot regulate its temperature and has weak resistance, the owner must ensure it stays warm. Prepare a clean, warm nest for the kitten and maintain indoor temperature around 25°C to prevent catching a cold. Also, monitor the kitten's temperature, which should be around 38-39°C. If the temperature is too low, provide a blanket and hot water bottle for warmth.