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How to cut a Teddy dog's nails

When cutting a Teddy dog's nails, first prepare pet-specific nail clippers and alcohol cotton balls. Then, secure the dog, followed by disinfecting the dog's paws and nail clippers with the alcohol cotton balls. Finally, cut the dog's nails about 3-5 millimeters away from the bloodline. After cutting the nails, you can rub them with a nail file to avoid sharp edges that could scratch. If it's the first time cutting the dog's nails, the owner can consider taking the dog to a professional pet hospital or beauty salon for assistance. Once the dog becomes accustomed to it, the owner can consider cutting its nails themselves.

  1. Prepare the necessary tools

Cutting a dog's nails requires preparing pet-specific nail clippers and alcohol cotton balls. Never use human nail clippers, as they can easily break the dog's nails.

  1. Secure the Teddy dog

Due to possible resistance from the dog during nail cutting, the owner needs to properly restrain the dog to ensure that it doesn't move during the process and prevent bleeding. For first-timers, it's recommended to have two people handle the procedure. One person makes the dog lie on its side, offering treats to distract it, while the other person cuts the nails. With practice, one person can eventually handle the task alone.

  1. Observe the location of the bloodline

Dog nails can be white or black. White nails make it easy to see the bloodline position, which looks like our fingers with a slight pink color. Cutting the nails becomes convenient as long as you avoid the bloodline. However, with black nails, it's less straightforward to see the bloodline. In this case, cut the nails at a 45-degree angle upward, aiming for about 1/3 of the nail length.

  1. Cut the nails under proper lighting

Usually, the owner first wipes the dog's nails with a paper towel to clean them. Then, in a well-lit area, hold the dog's paws to expose the nails. Use pet-specific nail clippers and cut the nails about 0.5 centimeters before the bloodline. Finally, use a nail filing tool to slowly smooth the dog's nails.

Note: If the owner hasn't learned how to cut nails from a pet store staff, don't randomly cut the dog's nails, as it could easily harm the dog.