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How to Remove Tartar from Your Dog's Teeth

First, you need to prepare some tools and supplies: dental gel, alcohol cotton pads, dental cleaning tools, cotton tips, and tissues.

  1. Prepare the following tools and supplies: dental gel, alcohol cotton pads, dental cleaning tools, cotton tips, and tissues.

  2. Apply the dental gel to the surface of the teeth to relax the tartar and let it soften for about 5 minutes. Make sure to cover the teeth inside the mouth as well.

  3. Use a dental cleaner to loosen large chunks of tartar. During the process, your dog's gums may bleed, which is normal. Use alcohol cotton pads to clean the blood.

  4. Use a smaller dental cleaner to remove tartar from the spaces between your dog's teeth. If there is too much tartar, apply the dental gel repeatedly until it all comes off. The gel also has astringent properties, so it can stop the bleeding. Be careful not to hurt your dog's gums.

  5. After cleaning everything thoroughly, apply the dental gel to the mouth with a cotton ball to prevent inflammation and bleeding.

Note that some dogs may not cooperate during the cleaning process. Instead of forcing them, you can use positive reinforcement. Clean the tartar for a while, then reward your dog with treats and praise. Repeat this process a few times, and your dog will be more willing to cooperate during the next cleaning session. Also, teeth cleaning only needs to be done once a year.

In the later stages, make sure to brush your dog's teeth more frequently and provide them with chew toys made of gel or rubber to exercise their teeth and remove dirt. This will help prevent the buildup of tartar.