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How to Remove Tartar on a Teddy Dog's Teeth

There are three main methods to remove tartar on a Teddy dog's teeth: regular brushing, using dental care products, and undergoing ultrasonic teeth cleaning. If the tartar on the Teddy dog is mild, the owner can use pet-specific toothpaste to brush the dog's teeth daily. By doing so for a period of time, the tartar can be cleaned off. If the owner lacks time, they can use dental sticks, dental biscuits, dental powder, and other items to help remove residues and tartar on the dog's teeth. However, if the tartar is severe, it is recommended to bring the dog to a pet hospital for ultrasonic teeth cleaning.

  1. Regular Brushing

The simplest and least harmful method to remove tartar on a Teddy dog is to brush its teeth daily. Brushing reduces food residues, thus reducing the formation of tartar. Additionally, if the Teddy dog has just eaten sticky or soft food, its teeth are more prone to sticking to food particles. In this case, timely brushing is essential.

  1. Using Dental Care Products

If the tartar on the Teddy dog is mild, aside from brushing, the owner can purchase dental sticks, dental biscuits, dental powder, and other items. These products allow the dog to remove residues and tartar while playing, which helps clean the tartar to some extent. However, the dog's diet should also be controlled, with no human food, fruits should be eaten sparingly, and especially no meat. Focus on dog food instead.

  1. Ultrasonic Teeth Cleaning

If the tartar on the Teddy dog is extensive, the owner can consider taking the dog to a pet hospital for ultrasonic teeth cleaning. However, dental cleaning requires anesthesia, and if the dog has a weak constitution, especially an allergic one, the owner should carefully consider the procedure.

Note: Once a dog has tartar, the owner should promptly clean it. Otherwise, long-term tartar can lead to tooth loss and oral diseases in dogs.