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Loss of Appetite in Cats
When a cat loses its appetite, it is necessary to observe the cat's mental state, appetite, and bowel movements. If the cat is in good spirits, has normal bowel movements, and is not showing any signs of illness, you can try offering some tasty snacks to stimulate its appetite and see if it is a case of picky eating. If the cat has poor appetite or abnormal bowel movements, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian promptly for a checkup. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment can be administered to avoid delays in healing.
Poor Appetite in Cats
There are many reasons for a cat's poor appetite. Heat period: When a cat is in heat. Enteritis: Gastrointestinal inflammation in cats can cause vomiting and diarrhea, leading to a loss of appetite. Change of environment: Cats may stop eating during the adaptation period when they move to a new environment. Bad mood: Depression. Fever: Increased body temperature can lead to a decrease in appetite. Cystitis: Especially in male cats, persistent urination or painful urination. Feline distemper: In the early stages of feline distemper, a cat's appetite may decrease.
Symptoms of Feline Distemper
The incubation period of feline distemper is 2-9 days, and the clinical symptoms are related to the age and virulence of the virus. A cat with the disease will show signs of lethargy, anorexia, persistent vomiting, vomit with yellow-green color, sticky secretions in the mouth, eyes, and nose, and thick, sticky stools. When diarrhea occurs, it indicates that the animal is in the late stage of the disease, with bloody stools, severe dehydration, anemia, and even death in severe cases.
How to Increase a Cat's Appetite
First, the owner needs to understand why the cat has no appetite. Firstly, gastrointestinal discomfort and indigestion. In this case, the owner should feed the cat lightly and use probiotics or stomach-stimulating agents to regulate it. Secondly, hot weather can cause a cat's appetite to decrease. The owner can offer light and delicious food and add some cans, meat to increase the cat's appetite. Thirdly, food spoilage or dislike by the cat. In hot weather, the owner should replace cat food and water on time and clean the cat's bowl daily.