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What should Pekingese eat after giving birth?
Pekingese dogs exert a lot of force during childbirth, which can lead to significant physical exhaustion and weaken the body. In this case, their diet becomes particularly important. You can appropriately feed the dog easy-to-digest, high-nutrition foods such as bone broth and fish broth. It is also necessary to increase protein intake and feed more frequently. In addition, you can also supplement calcium for the dog.
What to eat for calcium supplementation after Pekingese birth
After the dog gives birth, the owner can directly feed the dog with an appropriate amount of liquefied calcium or calcium tablets to supplement calcium. In the later lactation period, because the milk contains a large amount of calcium, the blood calcium level in the mother dog may decrease. The owner can feed the dog with appropriate amounts of bone broth, fish broth, and other foods, and then regularly feed calcium tablets to supplement calcium.
Pekingese postpartum diet precautions
In the first few days after giving birth, the dog's diet should follow the principle of eating less and more frequently. The main foods should be easily digestible and absorbed, such as meat broth, rice congee, and milk. After giving birth, the dog not only needs to replenish its own nutrients but also ensure adequate milk production. Therefore, the feeding quantity and nutritional density should be maintained at a high level. If the dog's milk supply is insufficient, you can feed it pig's feet or fresh fish broth.
How long after Pekingese birth can they eat
Usually, the dog can eat about 30 minutes after giving birth. As long as the dog does not show signs of vomiting and has an appetite, it can eat moderately. Feed the mother dog warm sugar and salt water to replenish its strength. After the mother dog feeds the initial milk to her puppies, you can feed her high-nutrition, easy-to-absorb foods. Do not overfeed. Ensure that the food contains more protein and calcium, as the dog needs to nurse her puppies.