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What else can Poodles eat besides dog food?
Poodles can eat a variety of foods, including different types of dog food, meat, vegetables, and a moderate amount of fruits. However, it is important to pay attention to the amount and combination of foods, and to look out for any adverse reactions during feeding. Also, some foods should not be given to dogs blindly.
Foods that Poodles can eat:
- Cooked chicken breast, beef, duck, fish, and shrimp等protein-rich foods.
- Vegetables, such as cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, broccoli, carrot, and corn.
- Fruits, such as apple, watermelon, honeydew melon, pear, and banana.
- Cooked egg, bones, and nutritional supplements. However, it is necessary to note if there are any allergies and the feeding amount.
What foods are good for Poodles' fur?
Poodles can benefit from eating carrots, egg yolk, beans, and lean meats with high protein and low fat. They can also consume seaweed and other nutritional foods that contain enough protein, vitamins, and minerals. These foods can help improve Poodles' fur texture and shine. In addition, to enhance the effect of beautiful fur, owners can choose suitable beauty dog foods and beauty powder supplements for Poodles.
Foods that Poodles should not eat:
- Hawaiian nuts, grapes, and raisins
- Alcoholic beverages and foods
- High-salt foods
- High-sugar foods
- Chili peppers
- Onion
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Leeks
- Sichuan pepper
- Foods containing caffeine and theobromine
Additionally, when feeding Poodles dog food, owners should be cautious and avoid foods that may cause allergies, such as pineapple, seafood, and mango.