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Several Methods to Prevent Dog Skin Diseases

Many pet owners struggle with various dog skin diseases. If the feeding environment is not paid attention to, it is easy to repeat. In fact, during the process of feeding and treating dogs with skin diseases, we should pay more attention to the feeding environment. This can not only help treat dog skin diseases but also prevent dogs from getting them.

1. Regular Disinfection in Daily Life

Make sure to regularly disinfect your dog's living quarters and utensils. Keep them clean, and remember to thoroughly wash away any detergent residue. Otherwise, the chemical components in the detergent can be harmful to your dog's skin.

2. Regularly Brush Your Dog's Hair

Spring is the season when cats and dogs shed their hair and grow new fur. Regular brushing helps remove fallen hair and keeps it from staying on their bodies. Brushed hair is more ventilated and dryer, reducing bacterial growth.

3. Consult a Veterinarian

There are many causes of skin diseases, but their symptoms are similar. If your dog has a skin condition, seek medical help immediately. Do not self-medicate at home.

4. Balanced and Healthy Diet

Choose natural ingredient dog food or specific dog food formulas for healthy coat growth. Provide your dog with comprehensive nutrition, improving its immune system and resistance. You can also add some phospholipids and calcium supplements, which are beneficial for your dog's hair and health.

5. Dry Your Dog Completely After Showering

The most important thing after showering is to dry your dog's body completely. Otherwise, they may easily catch a cold! Wet fur is also prone to bacterial growth. Ensure your dog is dried quickly!

6. Address the Root Cause

Preventing parasite and bacterial virus infections is the fundamental way to eliminate skin diseases. Therefore, owners should regularly remove external parasites, such as fleas, as about 30% of dog skin diseases are caused by lice and bites. Scratches, itching, and reinfection.

7. Keep Clean

Skin diseases caused by fungi and bacteria are common in dogs. Besides dealing with mites, it's essential to clean your dog's living environment and equipment.

8. Use Dog Shampoo

Use dog shampoo when bathing your dog. Do not bathe them too frequently or for too long—ideally, bath them every 10 days. Don't be too worried about parasites. Dogs have resistance themselves, as long as the owner's home is relatively clean, they are less likely to easily contract skin diseases.