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Puppies always bite their owner's feet

Puppies biting their owner's feet may be due to several reasons. Firstly, they might be going through a teething phase, and their teeth itch uncomfortably, so they bite their owner's feet to grind their teeth. Secondly, it could be that the puppies are practicing hunting, which is their nature. Lastly, it might be because they are bored and want to attract their owner's attention by biting their feet, hoping for their owner to play with them. To prevent the dog from forming a habit, it's best to walk away immediately and scold them loudly when they bite their owner's feet, so they understand that this behavior is wrong.

  1. Teething phase

Puppies usually undergo a teething process between three and four months of age. Due to the discomfort in their mouth, they relieve the itch by biting their owner's feet, furniture, or shoes. During this time, owners can prepare dental chews or chew toys, such as rubber chews, bone chews, and stick chews, to help alleviate the discomfort of their falling teeth and prevent them from biting furniture or shoes.

  1. Practicing hunting

Dogs are naturally hunters, and especially during their puppyhood, they are more active than adult dogs. When their owner's feet move, they might see them as prey and bite them. To address this, owners can prepare long, sturdy, and soft toys for interactive play and practicing biting skills.

  1. Boredom

If the owner hasn't played with the dog in a long time, the dog might feel bored and bite their owner's feet to attract their attention. In this case, the owner should spend more time playing with the dog, building a stronger bond, and burning off the dog's excess energy. This will prevent the dog from biting their owner's feet again.