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Why do dogs like to bite their owner's hands and feet?
Dogs who like to bite their owner's hands and feet may be going through a teething period, as their teeth may be itchy, causing them to bite their owner's hands and feet to relieve the discomfort. Secondly, it could be that the dog wants the owner to play with it and uses this behavior to attract attention. Additionally, if the owner's hands or feet have a special smell, it may also attract the dog to bite them. If this behavior occurs in a puppy, the owner must immediately stop it and prepare long, sturdy, and soft toys for interactive play, allowing the dog to practice biting skills without letting it develop the habit of biting people's hands and feet.
- Teething period
When dogs are going through a teething period, their teeth may be particularly itchy, leading to biting their owner's hands and feet to grind their teeth. They also tend to chew on everything around the house, including sofas, slippers, and even diapers. Owners can buy some chew toys or teething sticks to relieve their oral discomfort and prevent double teeth from appearing.
If the dog still likes to bite the owner's hands and feet even after having chew toys, it is essential to educate the dog and make it clear that this behavior is not acceptable. Because puppies are impressionable and their personalities and behaviors are not yet stable, it is crucial to focus on education, or else they may cause harm to others when they grow up.
- Wanting the owner to play
Dogs may also exhibit this behavior when they want their owner to play with them, using it to attract attention. This behavior usually disappears after the dog's needs are met. Therefore, owners should spend more time interacting and playing with their dogs to strengthen their bond. If there is simply no time, owners can prepare more toys for their dogs to play with on their own.
- Special smells on the owner's hands or feet
Dogs are sensitive to smells, and if they detect a food smell on their owner's hands or feet, they may want to taste it. If there is a smell the dog dislikes on the owner's hands or feet, they may try to clean it off by biting the owner's skin.