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Symptoms of reproductive infections in dogs
Male dog reproductive system infections mainly include diseases such as balanoposthitis and orchitis. The former shows symptoms like redness, pain, and swelling of the penis skin. The latter presents with swollen and painful testicles. Female dog reproductive system infections mainly include vaginitis and endometritis. The former has symptoms like frequent urination and a large amount of discharge from the vulva, while the latter causes fever, vomiting, and watery, foul-smelling discharge from the vagina.
Due to the significant difference in reproductive organs between male and female dogs, the symptoms of related reproductive system infections vary. Male dog reproductive system infections mainly include orchitis and balanoposthitis.
The cause of orchitis is often mechanical injury, such as bites. In addition, bladder, urethra, and prostate infections can also infect the testicles through the path of the vas deferens. Common pathogenic bacteria include Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus. The main symptoms of acute orchitis are swollen scrotum, fever, pain, and increased temperature, often accompanied by epididymitis. Dogs will show symptoms such as depression, reluctance to move, increased body temperature, and decreased appetite.
In severe cases, abscesses and ulcers may occur. The cause of balanoposthitis is the presence of a large number of bacteria in the prepuce cavity. Meanwhile, the urine and secretions in the prepuce cavity provide conditions for bacterial growth. Once damaged, bacteria can easily invade and infect. The initial symptoms of this disease are skin stimulation, such as skin redness and constant licking and biting. Later, the disease progresses to inflammatory swelling, pain, increased volume of the glans, and difficulty urinating.
Female dog reproductive system infections mainly include vaginitis and endometritis. The clinical symptoms of vaginitis are frequent urination, a large amount of discharge from the vulva, which can be serous, bloody, or purulent. It can also cause itching. Acute endometritis often presents with severe systemic symptoms, such as fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, accompanied by diarrhea, red and swollen anus, and discharge of thin, foul-smelling secretions from the vagina.