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What are the symptoms of a dog's heat?

When a dog is in heat, symptoms such as emotional restlessness and barking at night may occur. The female dog's vulva will become red and swollen, and a pinkish discharge will flow out. The male dog's external genitalia will also become red and swollen, and he may exhibit behaviors such as urinating randomly, frequent urination, and constantly licking his testicles or external genitalia. If the owner does not want the dog to breed, they can take the dog to a pet hospital for sterilization surgery.

  1. Symptoms of male dog heat

  2. During the breeding season, the male dog's genital organs will swell, and there may be a secretion flowing out.

  3. Male dogs in heat will also exhibit behaviors such as mounting, holding the owner's legs, liking to approach female dogs, enjoying the smell of female dogs' external genitalia, and fighting with other male dogs. Some male dogs will even urinate randomly to mark their territory.

  4. Some male dogs may also wander away from home during their breeding season, so owners need to make sure that their doors and windows are closed to prevent the male dog from wandering off or jumping out of the window.

If the owner has no need for the male dog to breed, they can take the dog to a pet hospital for neutering surgery, which can avoid unwanted behaviors and reduce the risk of reproductive system diseases in the dog. If the owner wants the male dog to breed, they can wait for the dog to reach adulthood before breeding.

  1. Symptoms of female dog heat

  2. Before the female dog's heat, she will usually exhibit swollen and reddened vulva, with a small amount of pink secretion flowing out.

  3. During the middle stage of the female dog's heat, the vulva will continue to swell and soften, and a large amount of dark red blood will flow out.

  4. After the heat, the bleeding will decrease or stop, and the color will become very light. At this time, gentle touching of the female dog's hip or vulva will cause her to turn her tail to the left or right. The female dog will actively allow the male dog to mate and may also frequently bark during this time.

During a female dog's heat, she may feel uncomfortable, so it is recommended that pet owners do a good job of comforting her. To alleviate the discomfort of the female dog, she can be bred or taken to the pet hospital for sterilization surgery when she is not in heat.

Note: During a dog's heat, owners need to pay special attention to the dog's external genitalia hygiene and regularly wash them, especially for female dogs. If the owner does not have a need for the dog to breed, it is best not to let the dog interact with the opposite sex, and take it to the pet hospital for sterilization surgery after the heat is over.