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What shots do Teddy Bears need to get?

Teddy Bears need to get vaccinated when they are at least two months old. They need to get four shots, three to prevent infectious diseases and one for rabies. The vaccines for preventing infectious diseases mainly protect against distemper, parvovirus, coronavirus, infectious hepatitis, adenovirus, and leptospirosis. Each vaccine has a different price depending on the disease it prevents. The rabies vaccine is mainly used to prevent rabies in dogs and cats.

The benefits of Teddy Bears getting vaccinations

It is essential for dogs to get vaccinated, as it not only ensures their health but also provides a degree of protection for their owners and their finances. Dog vaccines can prevent distemper and parvovirus. Distemper and parvovirus are the number one and number two infectious diseases in dogs. After infection, treating these diseases can be expensive and may not always be successful, especially with distemper. Dog vaccines can also prevent leptospirosis, which is a zoonotic disease.

Do Teddy Bears need to get shots every year?

The decision to administer shots depends on the situation. There are two types of vaccines that dogs need to get annually: rabies vaccine and infectious disease vaccine. The frequency of infectious disease vaccine administration usually depends on two situations: three shots during the puppy stage, and usually one additional booster shot each year after adulthood, or antibody testing to determine the injection frequency based on the antibody levels.

How to give Teddy Bears preventive shots

Usually, the shots are given subcutaneously in the neck area. It is recommended that owners seek professional assistance when administering the shots. Before dogs get vaccinated, it's essential to ensure they are parasite-free and to check for any health issues. Note that it is not advisable to bathe the dog before or after the vaccination, and avoid vigorous exercise after the shot to prevent infection and reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine. If there are any allergic reactions, immediate medical attention should be sought.