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Transparent foreign object on cat's eyeball

You can first try cleaning the cat's eyes with pet-specific eye wash. It is best to have two people operate this process: one to hold the cat firmly, and the other to hold the head steady. Then open the cat's eyes and drop in the eye wash, rubbing it in for a few seconds before wiping away the excess liquid with a paper towel. If no foreign object is found after cleaning the eyes, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the object still appears, a trip to the vet is necessary to rule out parasites or eye disorders.

Foggy appearance of cat's eyeball

This may be caused by diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts, or by corneal inflammation, trauma, or other factors. Immediately take the cat to the pet hospital for a professional ophthalmic examination. After assessing the cat's eye condition, different treatment measures will be taken. Clinically, the initial treatment for feline ocular diseases involves medication. If the medication is ineffective and the condition continues to worsen, surgical removal of necrotic ocular tissue may be necessary.

Transparent film on cat's eyeball

Normally, a cat's cornea is transparent and colorless. This is because the cat's cornea is thin, and the collagen fibers are arranged in a neat and tight pattern, with the endothelial cells keeping the cornea in a relatively dehydrated state. When any of these factors are disrupted or affected, the eye surface becomes opaque, indicating a structural abnormality of the cornea. Common problems include corneal ulcers, uveitis, corneal edema, etc.

How to treat feline corneal inflammation

It is necessary to determine whether the corneal inflammation is solitary or accompanied by ulcers, or caused by a virus. If it is just corneal inflammation alone, the cat needs to wear an Elizabeth collar to prevent it from scratching its eyes.第二步是给猫咪全身使用消炎药,第三步是每天滴三次消炎眼药水,大约一周左右可以痊愈。如果是病毒性的角膜炎或伴有溃疡的,治疗时间较长,治疗方法也不同。