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What are the effects of catnip on cats and can they eat it?

Catnip can be given to cats, but attention should be paid to the feeding frequency and amount. In fact, catnip is a plant that can produce hallucinogenic effects, but it does not have addictive properties. After cats consume catnip, they may exhibit excitability, rubbing, or even meditation and staring off into space. Although the effects of catnip on cats are relatively mild, it is not necessary to feed it to them.

Catnip is a common plant in nature that can attract most cats, who show great interest in scratching or biting its leaves. This is because catnip has a certain hallucinogenic effect, causing cats to act excited or dazed after consumption. Excitement manifests as running, rubbing, and rolling around, while dizziness involves meditation and sitting still. Due to the hallucinogenic nature of catnip, it is recommended to control the feeding frequency and dosage. However, catnip does not have addictive properties. It should be noted that while cats may feel comfortable and excited after consuming catnip, this does not mean it is necessary to feed it to them. If you want to give catnip to your cat, it is recommended to grow it yourself at home, and avoid letting your cat eat it in outdoor environments to prevent accidental poisoning from toxic plants.

Additionally, there is another plant that is essential for cats, which is cat grass. Cat grass is rich in water and vitamins, and feeding it in moderation is beneficial to a cat's health. This is because the water in cat grass can help replenish the cat's water supply, while the abundant fiber promotes intestinal movement, assisting the cat in excreting hairballs. However, it is still necessary to regularly feed hair removal gel to your cat. Cat grass is also recommended to be grown at home by pet owners so that cats can eat safe, fresh cat grass.