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What are the reasons for cat parkour?

Cat parkour may be caused by reasons such as chasing prey, releasing energy, having parasites on the body, going into heat, and being excited after using the bathroom. As long as the cat has no other abnormal behaviors, it's not a big deal. The owner can play with the cat more using a cat teaser, release the cat's energy, and at the same time enhance the bond between the owner and the cat. However, if the cat has other abnormal behaviors, such as itching all over the body, constantly scratching itself, and abnormal bowel movements, the owner should pay attention and consult a pet doctor in a timely manner to find out the specific cause and then take targeted treatment measures.

  1. Chasing prey

Chasing prey is a natural instinct of cats. If a cat finds bugs, moths, roaches, and other small animals, it will be unable to resist pursuing them until it catches the prey. Therefore, owners should always close windows and doors to prevent their cats from jumping out of windows while chasing prey.

  1. Releasing energy

Usually, a cat sleeps for 16-20 hours a day and spends 3 hours in deep sleep. During the day when the owner is at work, the cat is alone and can only sleep at home. When the owner comes back from work, they may not have time to play with the cat, and the cat will release its accumulated energy at night by running around the house. To this end, owners can prepare more toys for their cats or buy a cat tree for them to play with.

  1. Parasites on the body

If the owner hasn't given the cat a deworming treatment for a long time, the cat may have external parasites such as fleas and lice, causing itching and discomfort. The cat will want to run to shake off the parasites on its body. Meanwhile, examining the cat's fur can reveal parasites or their feces, and the cat may often scratch itself, sometimes leaving behind dandruff. If the cat shows these symptoms, the owner should give the cat an external deworming treatment promptly.

  1. Going into heat

If a cat suddenly starts running wild around the house, meowing and urinating randomly, it might be in heat. Especially when no male cats are found, the cat will be extremely anxious and uncomfortable, so it will vent its emotions by running wild. Some cats may even jump out of windows or leave home during this period. To prevent this, owners should keep windows and doors closed and watch for any abnormal behaviors. If there is no requirement for breeding, it is recommended to have the cat spayed during the non-breeding season.

  1. Excitement after using the bathroom

Some cats will act wild around the house after using the bathroom. This is because after defecating, the cat feels light and happy, so it runs around the house to release its excitement. However, if the cat always runs wild after using the bathroom, the owner should pay attention to whether the cat has any abnormal bowel movements or shows pain while defecating. If any abnormalities are detected, consult a pet doctor promptly.