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What changes after neutering a cat?
After the cat undergoes neutering, there is no more hormone stimulation, and the cat will no longer have the urge to seek异性for mating. The cat's appetite will increase, and it will also become lazy. The benefits of neutering a cat are numerous, including reducing or preventing diseases related to the reproductive system, especially testicular cancer and pyometra. Additionally, neutering can significantly lower the chances of the cat getting lost.
Changes after neutering a cat:
After neutering, a cat may experience the following changes: the cat will no longer go into heat, and it will not urinate everywhere to mark its territory. Due to the decrease in hormone levels, particularly thyroid hormone, the cat's metabolism will slow down. If the cat does not engage in adequate exercise, it will gain weight. The change in hormone levels will also reduce the cat's activity level, making it more content to stay in one place and less inclined to exercise.
Cat's personality after neutering:
Usually, after neutering, the cat's body produces less testosterone and estrogen, resulting in a more gentle personality. However, some cats may be stimulated during the neutering process or due to individual differences, their personality may become slightly more aggressive than before, but this is rare.
Points to note after cat neutering surgery:
After the cat's neutering surgery, attention should be paid to wound care and inflammation prevention. In terms of inflammation prevention, male cats will receive injections for three days after surgery, while female cats require intravenous administration due to the opened abdominal cavity. For wound care, both male and female cats need to wear an Elizabethan collar to prevent licking the wound. Additionally, the wound should be sprayed with a disinfectant spray three times a day.