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What does it mean when a cat makes a purring sound?
The purring sound that a cat makes is actually a normal physiological state. When the cat feels happy, comfortable, and secure, the vibrations of its throat caused by the pseudoclaveolar tremor resonate in the larynx, producing this sound. Owners often hear this sound when they stroke the cat. Some cats may also accompany this sound with actions like kneading, which indicates extreme pleasure.
Firstly, there are two situations where a cat makes a purring sound. One is when the cat is happy and relaxed. At this time, the cat expresses its emotions in this way, indicating that it is enjoying the present moment. The cat will not only produce this sound towards humans but also towards its companions and offspring. The other situation is when the cat is tense, severely ill, or about to die. It will also make a purring sound from its throat in these circumstances. Some studies have shown that cats use purring as a way to comfort themselves, reduce tension, and enhance self-healing.
Secondly, cats will make purring sounds when they are resting, eating, being stroked by their owners, or having their chins scratched. In these moments, the cats feel comfortable, relaxed, and trust their owners. Cat owners can reward their pets with treats like cat bars and cans to let them know that they approve of this behavior. However, it is worth noting that if the purring sound is accompanied by discomfort or discomfort, immediate veterinary attention is required.
Lastly, another possibility is that the cat is hungry and wants to eat. It makes a purring sound to attract the owner's attention, hoping that they will give it some food. It is essential to distinguish between a cat's purring and its snoring, as cats do not snore when they are playing, feeling tense, or genuinely asleep.