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What does it mean when a dog stretches?

Stretching mainly refers to the following meanings: stretching muscles and joints, long periods of physical activity, submitting to the owner, trusting the owner, menstruation, attracting the owner's attention, and overeating. Stretching can increase blood circulation, provide oxygen-rich blood to the brain and heart, enhance metabolism, and stretch muscles. However, it should be noted that if a dog frequently assumes a stretching posture or maintains it for a long time, it may indicate abdominal pain, and it is necessary to take the dog to the pet hospital for examination and treatment.

  1. Stretching muscles and joints

After waking up, a dog's body tends to be stiff. To prepare for better activities, they will stretch to relax their muscles and bones, not only awakening their body but also提醒ing their brain. In addition, if a dog is older and its organs begin to age and joints stiffen, it will also stretch to relax and stretch its muscles and joints.

  1. Long periods of physical activity

If a dog spends too much time outdoors exercising, it will also assume a stretching position, indicating that it is very comfortable. At this time, the owner should not allow the dog to engage in more exercise but should take it home to rest immediately. Otherwise, excessive exercise may damage the dog's health.

  1. Submitting to the owner

Dogs have a hierarchical mentality and will gradually regard their owners as their leaders when they interact with them. When they consider the owner as the leader, they may use stretching as a way to show their willingness to submit to the owner.

  1. Trusting the owner

For dogs, the back and buttocks are crucial areas, so they are usually more vigilant. If a dog likes to stretch in front of you and expose its back and buttocks to you, it means it trusts you enough to expose this sensitive area.

  1. Menstruation

Some dogs may experience abdominal pain during their menstrual cycle, so they will often stretch to alleviate the discomfort. Generally, after the menstrual period is over, the dog will return to normal.

  1. Attracting the owner's attention

If the owner hasn't spent time playing with the dog for a long time, the dog may feel bored and lonely. It may suddenly run to the owner's front and stretch to attract the owner's attention, hoping the owner will play with it.

  1. Overeating

If the owner doesn't feed the dog on a regular schedule, the dog may easily overeat, leading to indigestion. The dog will feel too full and stretch to alleviate the discomfort in its belly. At this time, it is recommended to feed the dog some probiotics to promote intestinal peristalsis and speed up digestion.