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What to do about a male cat spraying everywhere during heat
Male Cat Spraying Relief Methods: There are three ways to alleviate male cat spraying during heat: distraction, breeding, and scent stimulation. Breeding is the most direct approach. Additionally, if the owner does not intend to breed, they can have the cat neutered after the heat is over at a reputable pet hospital. If the cat is not neutered and has no opportunity to breed, heat episodes will become more severe and the intervals between them will shorten.
- Distract
When a male cat is in heat, it will spray urine everywhere to mark its territory and attract female cats with its scent. To divert the cat's attention, owners can use toys such as catnip toys, hairballs, and laser pointers to play with the cat and expend its energy. They can also feed the cat some of its favorite snacks, such as cans, dry meat, and nutritional supplements, to prevent it from spraying or running wild.
- Breed
If the owner has a breeding plan, they can find a female cat for the male to mate with. Once the male's needs are satisfied, it will stop spraying urine. However, when choosing a breeding partner for the male cat, the owner should also consider the female's age and physical condition, and it's better to choose a cat with experience.
- Scent Stimulation
Cats hate the smell of citrus and peppermint oil. Spraying these smells in areas where the cat often hangs out will cause it to stay away from those areas.
- Consider Neutering
If the owner doesn't plan to breed the male cat, they can have it neutered after the heat is over at a pet hospital. This will alleviate the cat's suffering during heat episodes and reduce the risk of reproductive system diseases. However, before the neutering surgery, the owner should check the cat's mental state, appetite, bowel movements, and temperature for any abnormalities to ensure it is in good health before the procedure.