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What to do if a newly born kitten has fleas?
For a newly born kitten with fleas, if the number of fleas on the kitten is relatively small, the owner can handle it by directly removing them. However, if the kitten's infection is severe, it is necessary to consult a pet doctor in time and choose and use high-security flea control drugs. In addition, the environment in which the kitten lives also needs to be thoroughly disinfected. The owner can disinfect the kitten's bed and other items together to avoid reinfection.
- Direct removal
Due to the weak resistance of newly born kittens, it is generally not recommended to use external parasite control drugs for parasite control. If the number of fleas on the kitten is small, the owner can handle it by directly removing them. The owner can also use a comb to comb the kitten's fur, allowing the fleas to get stuck in the teeth of the comb and then kill them manually.
- Use high-security parasite control drugs
If the kitten's infection is severe, the direct removal method may not be practical. At this time, it is recommended to use the minimum dose of parasite control drugs containing non-泼罗尼, but before use, consult a pet doctor and reasonably reduce the dose according to the kitten's weight. In addition, since the kitten's hair is short at this stage, it is recommended to spray the external parasite control drug on a towel and then apply it to the kitten's body. The kitten should also wear an Elizabeth collar. Moreover, if there are other cats in the house, it is necessary to do external parasite control as well.
- Disinfect the environment
Newly born kittens usually get fleas from their mothers or because there are fleas in the environment. Therefore, after removing the fleas from the kitten, the owner needs to disinfect the kitten's toys, bedding, and living environment to avoid reinfection.