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What to do if your dog vomits yellow liquid with foam
Your dog vomiting yellow liquid with foam may be due to improper diet, infection, enteritis, gastritis, over-exercise, or other reasons. It's important to distinguish between them. Dogs' gastrointestinal tracts are sensitive to oily and spicy foods. Excessive or spoiled foods can cause this condition. This is mainly due to disorders of the dog's gastrointestinal function, which causes vomiting. The yellow foam may be caused by stomach acid stimulation.
- Viral infection
If your dog contracts certain viruses, it may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Yellow liquid may be a sign of intestinal inflammation.
- Stimulation of the stomach
If the dog's gastrointestinal tract is subjected to adverse stimulation, causing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, it can lead to vomiting with yellow liquid and foam.
- Over-exercise
Excessive exercise, running, and playing can cause excessive stimulation of the dog's stomach, leading to vomiting.
In conclusion, if your dog shows the above symptoms, you should closely observe your dog's other signs and behaviors, combined with recent diet and activity conditions, to better understand your dog's situation. If the yellow liquid vomited by the dog has a strong smell, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian and provide relevant information about your dog's condition, such as symptoms, diet, and activity conditions.
When a dog vomits, stop feeding it and keep the indoor air circulating to allow the dog to breathe fresh air. At the same time, keep your dog hydrated to prevent dehydration and observe its condition. If other related symptoms appear, see a veterinarian promptly.