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What should I do if my dog's eyes are swollen?
Dog eye swelling may be caused by mosquito bites, eye diseases, scratches, allergies, or foreign object stimulation. There are many causes for dog eye swelling, so it is recommended to take your dog to a pet hospital for inspection to determine the exact cause. Then, targeted treatment can be carried out, which will yield better results and prevent the dog's eyes from becoming more swollen.
- Mosquito bites
If a dog is bitten by a mosquito on the eye, it can cause redness and swelling on the outer part of the eye. In this case, topical antibiotics can be applied to the affected area until the redness and swelling subside. Additionally, owners should regularly give their dogs internal and external parasite prevention. If the dog often goes outside, it is recommended to give the dog external parasite prevention every month, regardless of its age. For internal parasite prevention, young dogs should be treated monthly, and adult dogs should be treated every three months.
- Eye diseases
When dogs suffer from eye diseases such as conjunctivitis or keratitis, they may experience internal eye redness and swelling, as well as increased secretions. In this case, it is recommended to clean the dog's eyes with saline solution and take the dog to the vet for inspection.
- Scratches
Dogs are naturally playful and may get scratched or injured in the eyes during play or fights with other dogs, causing eye swelling. In this case, owners should first check if there are any wounds in the dog's eyes. If so, they should promptly clean and disinfect the wounds and apply pet-specific antibiotic eye drops. If the dog's eyes do not improve after treatment, it is advisable to go to the vet for inspection and treatment.
- Allergies
Dog allergies can also cause redness and swelling of the eyes, such as food allergies, drug allergies, and vaccine allergies. In addition to swollen eyelids, there may also be skin or facial swelling. In this case, owners should take their dogs to the vet to check for allergens and administer anti-allergy shots to prevent future allergies.
- Foreign object stimulation
If a dog's eye is swollen alone, it may be due to a foreign object in the eye. Owners can try rinsing the dog's eyes with saline solution to see if the object can be removed. If the eye cannot be touched, it is best to seek medical attention. Furthermore, if the object in the dog's eye is sharp, such as a branch, it is advisable to immediately take the dog to the vet for removal with tweezers, which may require surgical treatment in severe cases.