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What is going on when a female cat has bloody urine?

A female cat experiencing bloody urine may be due to various reasons, such as estrus, dehydration, or poisoning caused by accidentally ingesting foods like chocolate, onions, and garlic. Additionally, if the cat has urinary system diseases, such as cystitis, urethritis, or stones, it can also lead to bloody urine. If the cat's bloody urine is severe and affects its mental state and appetite, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian promptly.

  1. Estrus

Female cats typically begin experiencing estrus at around 6 months old. During this time, they may have a small amount of bleeding, which can mix with urine, creating the appearance of bloody urine. This is accompanied by symptoms like howling, spraying, decreased appetite, and possibly jumping out of windows or running away. It is essential to securely close windows and doors during a cat's estrus period to prevent accidents. If the owner does not want the cat to breed, they can have it spayed after the estrus period ends.

  1. Dehydration

If a cat's regular food is dry and it doesn't like to drink water, urinary stones can form, leading to bloody urine and possible urination difficulties or pain. It is advised to consult a veterinarian and encourage the cat to drink more water, choosing wet food for its diet.

  1. Poisoning

If a cat accidentally eats foods like chocolate, onions, or garlic, it can suffer from food poisoning and develop bloody urine. In severe cases, this can lead to anemia, dehydration, shock, or even death. If poisoning is suspected, take the cat to a veterinarian immediately and ensure that harmful substances are securely stored.

  1. Urinary system diseases

If a female cat has bloody urine along with symptoms like lethargy, loss of appetite, difficulty urinating, and pain while urinating, it may be due to cystitis, urethritis, or stones in the urinary system. If the owner notices abnormal urination behaviors, consult a veterinarian immediately to determine the specific cause and implement appropriate treatment, whether through medication or other methods.