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When can a cat eat food by itself?

It is recommended to start feeding kittens solid food one month after birth. Before that, it is best to let them only drink cat milk or goat's milk. This is because before one month, their digestive system is not fully developed and cannot digest solid food or other foods. If solid food is abruptly introduced, it can lead to digestive discomfort, diarrhea, and other health issues. Kittens are particularly susceptible to diarrhea and colds, which can trigger viruses in their bodies and lead to illness.

When can cats eat snacks?

Cats can usually start eating snacks after they are able to feed themselves. Snack choices mainly include canned food, catnip, chicken breast, dried fish, etc. Since cats are carnivores, they need to supplement their diet with meat and moisture-rich foods in addition to regular cat food. It is also important to avoid feeding them random items or human food, as this can lead to poisoning or picky eating.

When can cats eat meat?

Cats can start eating cooked chicken, beef, and fish at the age of three months if their owners wish to provide it. When feeding them, be sure to do so in moderation and avoid overfeeding, as this can cause digestive issues. It is a good idea to have two types of probiotics at home: one to promote intestinal peristalsis and aid in digestion, and the other to repair intestinal function and retain moisture.

Foods to avoid for young cats

It is best not to feed young cats milk, as it contains high levels of lactose which can easily cause lactose intolerance and diarrhea. Cats are sensitive to salt, and excessive salt can lead to salt poisoning and increased eye discharge, as well as put a burden on their kidneys. Additionally, toxic foods, especially those of plant origin, can cause poisoning if ingested. It is best not to feed young cats fatty meat, as it can easily cause indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea.