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When does a female goldendoodle get her period?

The female goldendoodle will start her period around 7 months old and then begin to show signs of heat. Most dogs will reach sexual maturity between 6 and 7 months old and start to show heat symptoms. During heat, a sticky, blood-like discharge will flow from the vulva. Dogs in heat can become irritable, love to go outside, and may have the urge to urinate everywhere. Owners need to pay attention to keeping their dogs warm, provide enough nutrition, and avoid sickness.

When do dogs start getting their period?

Goldens usually reach sexual maturity around 8 months old, and their heat cycle starts from 8 to 12 months old, depending on their physical condition. During heat, the vagina will secrete blood and mucus, which is known as menstruation. This usually lasts for 6 to 14 days, and dogs come into heat every half year. During heat, it's important to keep the dog's vaginal area clean by regularly washing it. You can also put a sanitary pad on the dog to avoid staining the carpet. Watch your dog's diet and strengthen its nutrition.

Can dogs take a bath during their period?

It's best not to bathe your dog during its period. The period is actually the dog's heat cycle, and its hormone levels are different from usual at this time. Bathing the dog during this period may lead to infection. If you don't want your dog to get pregnant, you can have it spayed at an animal hospital, which can prevent future heat cycles and reduce the risk of reproductive organ diseases.

Points to note when a goldendoodle gets her period

When a goldendoodle gets her period, she is in heat. During this time, her personality may change and she may become irritable and sensitive. It's best to avoid taking her outside to prevent accidental pregnancy or injury due to mating. During heat, the dog's cervix is open, and external bacteria can easily invade the uterus. So don't bathe your dog during its period. If you feel like the dog's period is staining everything, you can buy doggie sanitary pads.