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Why do cats bite and step on blankets repeatedly?

Cats biting and stepping on blankets repeatedly do so because blankets are soft, which prompts this behavior known as "kneading." This is a normal phenomenon and a remnant of their early days when kittens would knead their mother's fur to stimulate milk production.

  1. This behavior is a carryover from when cats were kittens and would suckle from their mother. They would use their mouths to drink milk and their front paws to knead the mother's breasts to encourage milk flow. If a cat exhibits this behavior as an adult, it's likely recalling the comfort and pleasure of nursing as a kitten. Kneading is generally a sign of contentment, and it's more likely to occur when the cat is feeling happy and relaxed.

  2. Besides blankets, cats will also bite and step on other soft objects, such as towels, cushion covers, and blankets. This is a natural reflex and a fundamental skill born out of survival, so there's no need for owners to worry.

  3. When cats display this kneading behavior, it's recommended that owners let them be, as it brings them joy. Owners can take this opportunity to stroke, cuddle, and spoil their cats, offering treats and playing with toys. These gestures can help strengthen the bond between the cat and its owner.