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Why do cats eat grass?
Cats eating grass may be suffering from pica, which usually accompanied by other unusual behaviors such as dumpster diving, licking wallpapers, and eating cat litter. In this case, it's necessary to supplement your cat's body with trace elements. Secondly, cats may eat grass to stimulate vomiting and expel hairballs from their stomachs. You can feed your cat some hair removal creams to help with this. Additionally, cats may also eat grass out of curiosity. Therefore, owners should always distinguish between normal behavior and potential problems to prevent their cats from accidentally eating toxic grass or planting cat grass specifically for them.
- Pica
Cats eating grass may have pica, which is usually caused by a lack of trace elements in their bodies. Apart from eating grass, cats with pica may also eat other unusual substances, such as garbage bags, wallpapers, and cat litter. If this happens, owners should promptly stop their cats from doing so to avoid accidents. Additionally, adding trace element powder or granules to your cat's daily food can help, but long-term feeding is required to see results. For young cats, you can feed them nutritional supplements containing trace elements, such as veterinary nutritional supplements or lamb milk.
- Stimulating Vomiting
Grass contains plenty of cellulose, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. Therefore, cats may eat grass to stimulate vomiting and expel hairballs. If you want your cat to expel hairballs but don't want them to vomit, you can feed them hair removal creams to lubricate their gastrointestinal walls and promote hair excretion through feces.
- Curiosity
Cats are incredibly curious animals. If you have many plants at home, your cat may love to bite and chew on them. Therefore, it's recommended not to grow plants like philodendrons, spider plants, or narcissus, as they are toxic to cats. It's better to grow cat grass specifically for them.