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Why do cats like to scratch things?

Cats liking to scratch things may be due to curiosity, boredom, marking territory, or trimming nails. To deal with this, owners can buy wooden scratch boards or toys for their cats to vent their energy, and use feather sticks to play with them. If the cat still likes to scratch randomly, the owner can punish the cat with a water gun or lock it in a cat cage to let it know that this is wrong.

  1. Curiosity

Cats are naturally active and interested in moving objects or creatures. Out of curiosity, they like to use their claws to scratch things. To address this, owners can buy toys to divert the cat's attention from other items and reduce its destructive desires. Additionally, owners should place medicines, ribbons, and other items out of the cat's reach to prevent it from eating them accidentally.

  1. Boredom

If the cat is always alone at home, it will scratch things when it's bored to release its excess energy. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a cat scratch board or buy more toys for the cat, so it will entertain itself when it's bored.

  1. Marking Territory

Cats' claws have sweat glands, and they leave behind a scent when they scratch things. This behavior helps them produce a smell to mark their territory.

  1. Trimming Nails

Cats have a habit of trimming their nails regularly. If the owner doesn't trim the cat's nails regularly, the cat will find something to scratch when its nails grow long. Therefore, it is advised to trim the cat's nails regularly, such as once a month, cutting them before the bloodline.同時, you can prepare items like cat scratch posts or scratch boards to help the cat trim its nails.