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Why do cats like to be scratched under the chin?

Cats may enjoy having their chins scratched because it feels comfortable, and this behavior also helps them clean their chins and mark their scent. However, if your cat constantly wants you to scratch its chin and it is also trying to scratch itself, it may be due to intense itching caused by a skin disease. There are many skin diseases that can cause itching in cats, and it is recommended to start with an external parasite prevention. If there is no improvement, it is best to take your cat to the pet hospital as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

  1. Comfortable sensation

The chin area of a cat has a dense distribution of sensory nerves. When the cat's chin is scratched, these nerves are stimulated, making the cat feel comfortable.

  1. Helps cats clean their chins

Cats are very clean animals and spend a lot of time grooming themselves daily. However, they cannot reach the chin area with their tongues, and when their chins are scratched by their owners, it resembles their own licking action, helping them clean their chins. Therefore, cats will also feel very happy and enjoy this process.

  1. Helps cats mark their scent

There is a special scent gland under a cat's chin. When the cat's chin is scratched, a scent remains on the owner's hands, helping the cat mark its scent.

  1. Intense itching on the chin

Because a cat's claws and tongue cannot reach the chin area, it is easy for parasites to breed there, causing intense itching. Scratching under the chin in this case provides relief. If the owner notices any other abnormalities in the cat, it is essential to consult a veterinarian in time and use appropriate parasite prevention medications.