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Why does a neutered male cat still mount female cats?

1. Sexual hormones have not completely disappeared from the body:

After neutering, there may still be some residual male hormones in the cat's body, causing it to exhibit mating behaviors such as mounting female cats. This is a normal phenomenon and usually gradually disappears within six weeks. If you're worried, you can check the cat's hormone levels after the neutering surgery. If the male hormone levels are still high, you can give the cat medications to regulate hormone levels, which can avoid some breeding behaviors.

2. Cryptorchidism:

If the cat has been neutered for a long time but the behavior of mounting female cats doesn't change, and there are no changes in the cat's penis, it may be due to cryptorchidism. Simply put, this is when the testicles are not in the scrotum but hidden in the abdomen or inguinal canal. Owners need to take their cats to the pet hospital for diagnosis using ultrasound and X-ray. If necessary, the cat may need to undergo surgery to remove the cryptorchid testicles.

3. Behavioral habits:

If the cat had this behavior before neutering, it may retain this memory after neutering. This behavior is usually difficult to correct, but female cats won't become pregnant due to this. If you want to reduce this behavior after neutering, it's best to neuter the cat before it learns this behavior or before it goes into heat.

Don't worry too much about this behavior. Just separate the male and female cats, reduce their contact, and wait for the hormones to gradually decrease. Consult a veterinarian if the problem persists or worsens.