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Why does my cat pee on the bed?

1. Heat period

During the heat period, a cat's urination frequency increases significantly as they want to emit more scent to attract potential mates. This is when cats may pee on the bed. If there is no requirement for breeding, it is recommended to get your cat spayed or neutered after the heat period to permanently avoid the inconvenience and distress caused by heat.

2. Territorial marking

Cats have a habit of marking their territory with urine. If the owner often allows the cat to play or sleep on the bed, the cat may unconsciously consider the bed as its own territory and mark it by peeing on it.

3. Revenge against the owner

Cats are animals with strong resentment and a desire for revenge. If the owner often beats or torments the cat without reason, or does something that dissatisfies them, the cat may intentionally pee on the bed out of malice. In this case, the owner should not respond with violence but rather lock the door to prevent the cat from accessing the bed.

4. Health issues

Urinary tract infections, stones, or other serious illnesses can stimulate the urinary system, causing the cat to be unable to hold urine properly and accidentally pee on the bed. Older cats are more susceptible to this issue. It is recommended to take the cat to the vet for a checkup and seek appropriate treatment if the cat is indeed ill.