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Best Treatment for Feline Urinary Obstruction

When a cat experiences urinary obstruction, the first step is to go to the veterinary hospital for urinary drainage, followed by treatment for the underlying cause. If the cat can urinate independently, conservative treatments such as fluid administration and oral bladder protectants can be considered. However, once urinary obstruction occurs, immediate medical attention is required. If the cat is unable to urinate due to urinary stones, surgical lithotripsy is recommended. Over-excitement can also cause temporary urinary obstruction, and antibiotics and diuretics should be administered, along with maintaining a quiet living environment for the cat. Lastly, diseases such as renal failure, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and cancer can also cause urinary obstruction, which are more difficult to treat. After drainage, discuss the treatment plan with the veterinarian.

No matter what the cause of the urinary obstruction, it is crucial to take the cat to the pet hospital in a timely manner for drainage. Otherwise, the cat may be at risk of bladder rupture due to excessive urine accumulation in the bladder.

  1. If the cat can still urinate but with prolonged urination, consider conservative treatments such as fluid administration and oral bladder protectants. Note that during the treatment, the owner should closely observe whether the cat's urethra is completely blocked. If the cat cannot urinate, immediately take it to the hospital, place a urinary catheter, and irrigate the bladder and urethra.

  2. If the urinary obstruction is caused by stones, the cat will be unable to urinate independently. The cat needs to go to the hospital for ultrasound or X-ray examinations to confirm the location of the stones, and then undergo surgical lithotripsy or stone removal to unblock the urinary tract. Later, combine medication for treatment.

  3. A cat frightened by shock may also develop a bladder or urethral infection, leading to urinary obstruction. In this case, administer antibiotics and diuretics to the cat, and provide a comfortable and quiet living environment to maintain the cat's happiness, allowing for a faster recovery.

Additionally, diseases such as renal failure, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and cancer can also cause urinary obstruction. These diseases are more dangerous, but regardless of the situation, it is essential to take the cat to the hospital for drainage and subsequent treatment.