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How long does it take for a Border Collie to give birth?

The duration of a Border Collie's labor depends on various factors such as the dog's physical condition, the number of puppies in the pregnancy, the position of the puppies, and the direction and position of the pregnancy. Generally, if the labor proceeds smoothly, it will last about 2-6 hours. If the bitch experiences difficulties during labor, the process may last for more than 1 day, and it is necessary to seek timely veterinary assistance.

How long is the interval between Border Collie births?

If the Border Collie is experiencing a normal labor, the interval between births can be around 10 minutes or so. However, each dog's situation is different, and some may take longer, with an interval of up to 30 minutes before continuing to give birth. Additionally, if the Border Collie takes more than 2 hours to give birth during the labor process, it is recommended to take the dog to the vet for a checkup to see if the puppies are still alive. In critical situations, cesarean section may be chosen to avoid affecting the mother and the puppies.

How to assist in the Border Collie's labor?

Owners need to prepare items such as a basin of warm water, clean towels, scissors, disinfectant, and oxytocin for assisting in the birth. After the dog gives birth to a puppy, cut the umbilical cord and quickly wipe the mucus from the puppy's nose and mouth with a towel, then place the puppy in a warm dog bed. If the dog's labor is insufficient, the owner can inject an appropriate amount of oxytocin to help the dog give birth. After the dog has finished giving birth, the owner should wipe the dog's vulva with a towel and promptly supplement an appropriate amount of calcium for the dog.

Signs of a dog's labor being completed:

There are several main signs that a dog's labor has finished, including stopping forceful contractions, the vulva beginning to discharge dark brown fluid, and the dog starting to lick the puppies instead of focusing on its vulvar genitals. After the labor is completed, do not immediately feed the dog high-protein nutrients. You can help the bitch expel the afterbirth by pressing on her abdomen or injecting oxytocin.