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Canine Diabetes Treatment

The treatment for canine diabetes depends on the severity of the disease. If it is just mild hyperglycemia, food therapy can be used to control it. Increase the amount of low-carbon hydrate foods in your dog's diet, such as meat and milk, while controlling the intake of carbohydrate-rich foods and supplementing with vitamin B. You can also feed your dog 30 minutes after injecting insulin and stick to regular and quantitative feeding. However, if your dog's diabetes is severe, medication and exercise therapy are needed. Choose insulin and oral medications based on your dog's condition, and take your dog for more exercise to improve its physical fitness and optimize its weight.

  1. Food Therapy

Firstly, improve your dog's diet by feeding more meat, milk, and other low-carbon hydrate foods, increase the amount of fiber in the food, promote intestinal peristalsis, shorten the time the food stays in the intestine, and avoid post-meal hyperglycemia. Also, strictly limit your dog's intake of carbohydrate-rich foods and supplement with adequate B vitamins.

Secondly, adjust the feeding time and method. Adjust the feeding time to 30 minutes after the insulin injection, and stick to regular and quantitative feeding daily to help better control blood sugar and absorb nutrients.

  1. Drug Therapy

Medical treatment for diabetes usually involves injecting insulin or taking oral medications such as chlorpropamide, etc. The dosage of medication to be used should be chosen under the guidance of a doctor based on the severity of the dog's condition. If the dog's condition is severe, with significant fluid loss, it may lead to dehydration and other conditions. In this case, intravenous fluid therapy is needed to maintain a normal blood volume.

In terms of drug selection, dogs with severe diabetes who need to control hyperglycemia and correct metabolic disorders should use rapid-acting insulin, while dogs with stable conditions usually use long-acting or intermediate-acting insulin.

  1. Exercise Therapy

If the affected dog is also overweight, it is necessary to exercise more to enhance its physical fitness, strengthen muscles, and optimize its weight.

Owners can take their dogs for an hour of indoor or outdoor exercise 30 minutes after eating, and try to maintain a frequency of twice a day. This can promote blood flow in the dog's body, accelerate the diffusion of insulin inside the body, and achieve the purpose of lowering blood sugar.