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Suddenly becoming very affectionate
Possible reasons for a cat's sudden increase in affection:
- Cats are naturally emotional and their behavior can change as they age, which may make them more affectionate.
- After neutering or spaying, cats may become more affectionate, which is a normal phenomenon.
- If the cat is sick, it may become particularly affectionate and act cute. In this case, the owner should take its temperature, and if the appetite and temperature are not normal, consult a veterinarian promptly.
Reasons why a cat becomes more affectionate:
- After getting to know the owner, the cat becomes more affectionate.
- During mating season, the cat becomes more affectionate.
- When the cat wants to eat or wants the owner to play with it, it becomes more affectionate.
- After a long period without seeing the owner, the cat becomes extra affectionate.
If the owner notices any unusual symptoms such as lethargy and decreased appetite, the cat may be sick.
Behavior during a cat's mating season:
During mating season, the cat will make noise constantly, especially at night. In addition, the cat may urinate randomly at home, especially male cats. Female cats will often lift their hindquarters high and rub against people nearby. Female cats usually go into heat twice a year, while male cats will show signs of heat as long as they smell a female cat in heat.
What to do during a cat's mating season:
If there are no plans to breed, it is best to have the cat spayed or neutered before its first heat. Even after neutering or spaying, the cat may still exhibit some mating season behaviors. To help the cat through its heat, use a cat toy or ball to divert its attention and provide extra comfort. Feed the cat different types of cat food and wet food. Do not bath the cat during its heat.