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Kitten suddenly loves to meow

Why does your kitten suddenly love to meow?

There are several possible reasons for a kitten to suddenly become more affectionate and start meowing more. First, the kitten may be feeling unwell, with pain causing it to emit meows. Second, the kitten could be in heat, which aside from increased meowing, may also exhibit behaviors like rubbing against people or urinating randomly. Third, the owner may not have cleaned the cat's litter box or fed it regularly.

Signs of a cat in heat

When a cat is in heat, it will meow constantly, especially at night. In addition, the cat may also urinate randomly around the house, especially male cats. Female cats in heat will often lift their hindquarters high and rub against people constantly. Female cats usually go into heat twice a year, while male cats will exhibit signs of heat upon smelling the scent of an estrous female.

What to do when your cat is in heat

If you have no intention of breeding your cat, it's best to have it spayed or neutered before its first heat. If you wait until after the cat has gone into heat, it may still exhibit some heat-related behaviors even after the procedure. To help your cat through its heat cycle, you can use a cat toy or ball to divert its attention and provide extra comfort. Offer your cat a variety of cat food, such as wet food, and avoid giving it a bath during its heat cycle.