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Cat has more brown eye crust and tears

Eyelashes in clinical terms refer to eye secretions. If a cat has more tears and brown eye secretions, it could be caused by causes such as trichiasis, trauma, conjunctivitis, corneal inflammation, corneal ulcers, and others. Treatment involves medication, physical therapy, and surgery. With treatment, the damage to the eye can be reduced, and the reduction of tears and secretions can be promoted, which is helpful for controlling the condition.

  1. Trichiasis

Usually refers to the growth of eyelashes towards the back of the eyeball, which stimulates the conjunctiva and cornea, causing symptoms such as watery eyes and foreign body sensation. As the eyelashes grow longer, they may scratch the local skin, causing brown eye secretions. Trichiasis requires professional doctors to use tools to remove the eyelashes.

  1. Trauma

If the eye area is impacted or compressed, it can cause damage to the local soft tissues, leading to symptoms such as swelling, pain, and watery eyes. In severe cases, it may cause local skin damage, resulting in a change in the color of the secretions to brown. Medical advice should be followed to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

  1. Conjunctivitis

A inflammatory disease mainly occurring in the conjunctiva, usually caused by bacterial infection and immune lesions. It can cause increased eye secretions, itching, redness, and swelling. In severe cases, it may cause conjunctival congestion and rupture, causing brown secretions and increased tears. Medical advice should be followed to use pet-specific antibiotic eye drops.

  1. Corneal Inflammation

Usually caused by pathogen infection, it can cause corneal damage, leading to increased tears, corneal pain, and other symptoms. In severe cases, it may cause corneal rupture and bleeding, with brown secretions. Medical advice should be followed to take antibiotics.

  1. Corneal Ulcers

Usually caused by the infection of pathogenic microorganisms, which cause inflammation and necrosis of the corneal tissue, resulting in decreased vision and increased local secretions, presenting as brown. Surgical treatment under a doctor's guidance is necessary.

During treatment, it is necessary to regularly clean the cat's eye secretions, rinse with eyewash, or use a cotton swab to wipe clean, which is helpful for recovery.