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Cat Urinary Tract Obstruction

A cat with a blocked urinary tract may be suffering from urinary stones. Lesions in the urinary tract are a significant condition for the formation of urinary stones. Urinary tract inflammation can cause tissue necrosis, and the accumulation of inflammatory exudates and bacteria can form the core of the stone. Mineral salts and colloid substances surround the core, forming a stone. Many bacteria are also prone to cause calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate precipitation, which facilitates the formation of urinary tract stones.

Urinary Stone Symptoms

If a cat has urinary tract stones, it may show symptoms such as frequent urination, small amounts of urine, even blood in the urine, constantly sitting in the litter box, frequent licking of the urethra, and even screaming during urination. These symptoms are caused by the inflammation of the bladder and urethra, resulting in urinary pain. If small stones or stone formations block the urethra, the cat may become lethargic, lie down in one place continuously, refuse to move, lose appetite, and even vomit.

Urinary Stone Diagnosis

Cat stones can usually be checked through three methods. The first is to check for crystals in the urine through a routine urinalysis. The second is to check for strong echoes in the bladder or kidneys through an ultrasound examination. The third is to detect stones in the kidneys or bladder through X-ray radiation or urinary tract contrast imaging.

Medical Treatment for Urinary Stones

If a cat has urinary stones that are not severe, medication can be prescribed, such as urinary antiseptics, gentamicin, cephalosporins, and penicillin. If there is blood in the urine, hemorrhage control injections should be given, with the specific dosage according to the instructions and reference pediatric dosage. If the urinary stones cause severe blockage, it is best to bring the cat to a pet hospital for treatment, such as catheterization or surgical removal of the stones. The cat should drink more water after the operation.