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Do cats get depressed when wearing an Elizabeth collar?

Yes, cats wearing an Elizabeth collar may become depressed. Cats are naturally vigilant, timid, sensitive, and easily stressed. Most Elizabeth collars are worn because a cat has a skin condition on a particular body part, has undergone sterilization surgery, or has sustained an injury that needs treatment or prevents the cat from licking the area. Wearing the collar is necessary to avoid the spread of skin diseases or infection of wounds. Therefore, it is recommended that owners do a good job of convincing their cats to accept the collar and reduce stress.

How can we prevent cats from resisting Elizabeth collars and avoiding depression after wearing them? We need to find out why cats resist and dislike wearing Elizabeth collars:

  1. Bad memories: For example, treating skin conditions and post-sterilization pain are associated with Elizabeth collars, causing cats to resist them. We can prepare a snack that the cat loves and call it over. Don't rush to put the collar on the cat. Instead, open the snack and let the Elizabeth collar touch the cat's neck, allowing it to get used to the process of wearing the collar. Additionally, create a reinforced awareness and a memorable point: wearing the Elizabeth collar means it's time for a snack.

  2. The Elizabeth collar blocks the cat's vision and affects normal eating and drinking. It also limits the cat's movement to some extent, making it feel insecure. It is recommended to choose a soft, comfortable Elizabeth collar that fits the cat's neck size. If it's after a sterilization surgery, you can choose a surgical suit or a cotton collar to increase the comfort level.

  3. Some cats are bold and may resist wearing the Elizabeth collar at first. However, once they realize that the collar poses no threat, they will gradually adapt to wearing it and eventually stop caring about its presence.