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Do ear mites in dogs affect the eyes?

Yes, severe ear mites in dogs can affect their eyes. It may cause eye infections and inflammation, resulting in deeper tear stains on the dog's face. In daily life, we can enrich the dog's diet to improve its immunity, give regular internal and external parasite prevention, avoid contact with dogs infected with ear mites, disinfect the room regularly, and ensure that the environment is not damp to prevent dogs from getting ear mites.

Symptoms of dog ear mites

Ear mites are external parasite diseases that cause inflammation of the outer ear due to the external ear canal. The main symptoms include hair loss, inflammation, unpleasant smell, reddish-brown crusts and earwax inside the ear canal, and the dog may scratch its ears and shake its head. Secondary bacterial infections can lead to ear infections, inner ear infections, and meningitis.

Treatment for dog ear mites

The first step is to remove all the hair inside the dog's ears, as the hair may contain mites. Clean the secretions inside the ear canal, wipe the earwax with ear oil, and soften the earwax with clean cotton balls. Apply a bacterial and ear mite killing droplet into the ear canal, drop 1 to 2 drops into the ear canal, gently rub the surroundings of the ear canal with your finger, and let go after 2 minutes so that the dog can shake its head naturally and remove the debris from the ear canal. Since ear mites are stubborn parasites, dog owners can apply medication multiple times a day according to the situation, persist in using it for a period of time until the foreign objects and unpleasant smells are eliminated.

Precautions for dog ear mite treatment

During the treatment of ear mites in dogs, it is important to pay attention to the daily care of the dog's ears. Trim the excess ear hair to improve ventilation and prevent moisture; use a headband to cover the dog's ears when bathing, use Mingruining shampoo to bath the dog, which can effectively prevent dog skin diseases and avoid water entering the ears; when there are multiple pets at home, separate them to avoid mutual infection; and use ear drops into the ears of pets who are not infected with ear mites for prevention. It is also necessary to trim the dog's nails in case they get scratched during play.