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How to treat ear mites in dogs

Dog ear mites can be treated with medications containing ingredients such as ivermectin and compound nystatin. Ear mites are parasites that live in the dog's ear canal, and can be treated with insecticides containing ivermectin. Additionally, dog ear medications containing compound nystatin can be used for treatment. Before using the medication, clean the dog's ear canal with ear wash, and then apply the treatment drug after drying the ear canal. This allows the medication to be effective.

What causes dog ear mites?

Dog ear mites may be caused by factors such as contacting infected animals or not cleaning the ears for a long time. Dogs are more likely to contract ear mites after coming into contact with infected animals. It is recommended to isolate sick pets at home and reduce exposure to unknown pets outdoors when going out for walks.

It could also be due to a long-term lack of ear cleaning, which allows earwax to build up and foster the growth of ear mites. It is advised to regularly clean your dog's ears.

How do you know when a dog's ear mites are gone?

A dog's ear mites are considered cured when the ear canal is dry, clean, and free of odor, and the dog is no longer itchy. Ear mites live on the skin surface and do not burrow, stimulating the dog's cerumen glands and causing the ear canal to be filled with cerumen and mite excrement. This is more common in animals living together, and regular parasite prevention can effectively prevent mite infections. If a dog has persistent itching and scratching after an ear mite infection, a neck collar should be worn to prevent ear hemorrhoids caused by constant scratching.

Does a dirty dog ear mean ear mites?

A dirty dog ear is not necessarily caused by ear mites, but may also be due to a lack of cleaning and middle ear infections. If a dog's ear canal is not cleaned for a long time, bacteria can multiply and cause the ear to appear dirty. Meanwhile, if a dog has a middle ear infection, there will be purulent secretions in the ear canal. It is recommended to take the dog to the hospital for treatment immediately.

If a dog has ear mites, it will experience intense itching in the ears, manifesting as frequent head shaking, ear scratching, and ear odor.