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Dog's eyes turn red after vaccination

Why do dog's eyes turn red after vaccination?

The essence of a dog's eyes turning red and swollen after receiving a vaccine is due to the dog's allergy to the administered vaccine. In severe cases, allergic shock can occur, leading to microcirculation failure in the dog's body, insufficient oxygen and nutrition for various tissues and organs, functional disorders, and ultimately death. This situation should be sent to a pet hospital for anti-allergic treatment.

Adverse reactions to vaccines

Within 24 hours after a dog is vaccinated, they may exhibit signs of lethargy, poor appetite, edema at the injection site, abscess formation, pain, local tissue hyperplasia, increased body temperature, diarrhea, etc. Generally, it takes about 1 to 7 days to recover. Severe vaccine allergic reactions include facial edema, generalized or localized itching, generalized purpura, local hair loss, formation of granulomas or aseptic abscesses, hypotension, hypoxia, shock, etc. In this case, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible to avoid endangering the dog's life.

Antibody detection for vaccines

Having an antibody test done ensures that the injected vaccine produces enough antibodies in the body to protect the animal's body. The antibodies produced after vaccination can generally last for about a year. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a booster dose every 11 months to effectively maintain the antibody level in the body. Antibiotics should not be used during the vaccine injection period, and parasite control should also be done. These factors can all cause a decrease in antibody levels.


Newly purchased dogs should be kept at home for a week to allow them to adapt to the home environment. During this time, they can take oral anti-stress and immunity-enhancing supplements, such as Astragalus Polysaccharide Oral Solution, Immunity Regulating Nutrient Paste, and probiotics. One week later, perform internal and external parasite control, and another week later, vaccinate. It is not recommended to simultaneous vaccinate and deworm, with a 5-7 day interval between them. Avoid giving the dog a bath during the vaccine period. It is recommended to give the dog a bath after all vaccines have been administered.