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Can dog genital inflammation be treated with erythromycin eye ointment?

It is not recommended to apply erythromycin eye ointment to a dog's genitalia if they have inflammation. Inflammation of a dog's genitalia requires anti-inflammatory treatment, which can include taking antibiotics, receiving injections, or undergoing intravenous therapy. Additionally, using external irrigation agents to clean the external genitalia is helpful. Common choices include洁尔阴洗剂or葡萄糖醋酸氯己定洗剂, applied once a day. The treatment method can be selected according to the severity of the condition.

Symptoms of genital inflammation:

Genital inflammation usually presents with difficulties in urination, pain during urination, cloudy urine (containing pus or blood), linear urine, distress and discomfort in the dog, painful urinary incontinence, intermittent urine excretion due to inflammatory pain, frequent flicking of the male dog's penis during urination, and continuous opening and closing of the female dog's vulva. Sometimes, necrotic or shed urethral mucosa is discharged. During palpation, the dog's penis may be swollen and sensitive, and the urethral opening may be red and swollen. When performing urethral exploration, the dog shows pain and restlessness, and it may be difficult to insert a urinary catheter.

Points to note when licking genitals:

Healthy dogs occasionally lick their genitals to clean themselves. If a dog licks its genitals too frequently, it may indicate inflammation or pain in the genital area. Owners should observe for any abnormalities or consult a veterinarian. It is also best to avoid taking dogs to heavily polluted areas and keep their living environment dry and clean.

Treatment for genital inflammation:

The solution for genital inflammation involves performing a cytological examination of the inflamed genitalia using a glass slide impression to check for any other abnormal lesions. Then, the affected dog's genitalia are irrigated and disinfected with a 0.01%-0.02% potassium permanganate solution, followed by the application of antibacterial drugs for inflammation relief and symptomatic treatment. It is recommended to pay attention to the dog's hygiene and cleanliness.

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