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Dog Reproductive System Inflammation Can Be Treated With Penicillin
The dog's reproductive system can be treated with penicillin for inflammation. Penicillin is an antibiotic drug used by humans, and its ingredients can easily cause excessive excitement, accelerated heart rate, restlessness, and even sudden death in dogs. Always pay attention to cleanliness and purchase some male dog urethral irrigation solutions. Fit your dog with an Elizabethan collar to limit licking.
How to Treat Reproductive System Inflammation with Penicillin
Urethral infections are effectively treated with penicillin. Urethral infections generally refer to infections of the urethral mucosa, mainly caused by bacterial infections. They are often secondary to urethral obstruction, urethral injury, or adjacent organ inflammation (cystitis, balanitis, endometritis, etc.). The antibiotic spectrum of penicillin is wide, and when the infection is severe, 400,000 to 800,000 units of penicillin can be diluted in 5-10 ml of injection water and injected into the urethra, twice a day for better results.
Symptoms of Reproductive System Inflammation
Canine urethral bacterial infections are called urethritis, also known as urethral inflammation. The main clinical symptoms are dog urination pain, urethral swelling, sensitivity, redness and swelling, difficulty inserting a urinary catheter, and non-fatal. This disease is more common in male dogs. Dog urethritis and urethral calculi are easily confused, it is recommended for owners to take their dogs to the hospital for examination and determination of the cause, and symptomatic treatment.
Treatment of Reproductive System Inflammation
Dog reproductive inflammation needs to be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, injected with anti-inflammatory needles, or given intravenous treatment. The treatment method can be chosen according to the severity of the illness. Use external irrigation agents to clean the external genitalia, generally choosing Jie Er Yin shampoo or glucose acetate chlorhexidine shampoo, once a day.