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What to attention after a dog gives birth

After a dog gives birth, it is necessary to replenish its energy, as a lot of energy is consumed during the process of giving birth. After the dog has finished giving birth, you can feed the mother dog some cans or glucose to quickly replenish its energy. It is also important to pay attention to the dog's lochia excretion after giving birth. If the lochia is not excreted for a long time or the duration of excretion is very long, it is recommended to use drugs to promote lochia excretion for treatment.

What to feed the dog after giving birth

During pregnancy, a dog consumes a lot of energy, which makes it weak. Therefore, the dog should be supplemented with rich nutrient food, such as: first, supplement the dog with milk, carp soup, bone soup, etc., to help it recover strength and increase milk production. Second, you can feed it dog food during pregnancy, nutritional paste, chicken, beef, etc.

How long can a dog go outside after giving birth

Dogs do not need to have a postpartum confinement period like humans. Generally, dogs need to rest for the first two days after giving birth, and then they can go for short walks. However, because puppies need to be nursed frequently, it is recommended not to stay outside for more than two hours. After giving birth, dogs need to go to the pet hospital for anti-inflammatory treatment to prevent postpartum infection.

What to do if a dog has no milk after giving birth

It may be due to the following reasons. First, the dog consumes too much nutrition during pregnancy, so you can feed it some high-nutrition dog food and supplement some vitamins and nutritional paste. Second, the dog may have insufficient estrogen after giving birth, causing insufficient milk production. You can take it to the pet hospital for diagnosis and injection of prolactin. Third, newly born puppies can be fed high-nutrition goat milk, which should be fed every 2 to 3 hours.