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What to do if my dog's testicles are red and swollen?

For a dog with red and swollen testicles, the owner first needs to determine the specific cause and then treat accordingly. For example, if the condition is caused by simple heat stroke, no treatment is needed. It will resolve itself when the dog's heat period passes. If it is caused by inflammation of the testicles, it is necessary to go to the pet hospital for related checks to see if surgical treatment is needed.

  1. Generally, dogs aged 6-8 months will begin to mate, and at this time the testicles may show slight redness and swelling. This is accompanied by symptoms such as random urination, irritability, midnight howling, mounting behavior, and liking to go outside. This is a normal phenomenon. Once the dog mates or is neutered, the testicles will no longer be red.

  2. If the dog's testicles are red and swollen, and accompanied by symptoms such as pain, fever, loss of appetite, frequent licking of the testicles, it may be due to inflammation of the testicles. In this case, the owner can first clean the dog's testicles, then use anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, and put an Elizabeth collar on the dog to prevent it from licking. After continuous medication for a few days, check if the condition improves. If there is no improvement, it is recommended to undergo a neutering surgery to remove the testicles.

Note: It is generally recommended that if the owner does not breed the dog, they should neuter it as early as possible, which can effectively prevent many diseases such as testicular inflammation and testicular tumors.